The development trend of adhesive industry in China is good

Release time :2019-06-20 15:26:11

In recent years, China's adhesive industry has continued to develop rapidly, with production increasing from 1.705 million tons in 2002 to 4.628 million tons in 2010. Sales revenue has increased from 16.3 billion yuan in 2002 to 59 billion yuan in 2010. From the development status of the adhesive industry in the past three years, due to the impact of the financial crisis, the growth rate of adhesive production slowed down in 2008, with a growth rate of 13.54%. In 2009, the economic environment improved, with adhesive production increasing by 15.06% and sales revenue increasing by 15.35% compared to 2008. In 2010, the entire adhesive industry still maintained a rapid development rate, with adhesive production and sales increasing by 14.27% and 12.17% respectively compared to 2009. According to the prediction of the China Adhesive Industry Association, the average growth rates of adhesive sealant production and sales from 2011 to 2015 are about 10% and 12%, respectively. By 2015, the production of adhesive sealant will reach 7.17 million tons, with a sales revenue of approximately 103.8 billion yuan.


Structural adhesives are high value-added products in adhesives, with higher technical content, manufacturing and usage conditions than ordinary adhesives. Currently, nearly half of the structural adhesives in China are produced by foreign adhesive companies. In 2010, China's structural adhesive production accounted for 7.29% of the total adhesive production, but sales accounted for 16.48% of the total adhesive sales. According to the prediction of the China Adhesive Industry Association, the production and sales of structural adhesives in China will reach 730000 tons and 23 billion yuan respectively by 2015, an average annual increase of 17.23% and 18.79% compared to 2010. The main products with a large output in structural adhesive products are epoxy resin adhesive, organic silicone, and polyurethane adhesive. As new chemical materials, epoxy resin adhesive, high-performance organic silicone, and polyurethane adhesive continue to be applied and developed in traditional industries, and are also being applied in many emerging fields. In the future, they will continue to maintain a high-speed development trend, and the growth rate may exceed 20%. From 2008 to 2010, the application fields with the largest increase in market capacity of epoxy resin structural adhesives were mainly wind power, electronic appliances, construction and other industries.